Giving our best

At Fillion, we treat each every customer as somebody uniquely special, offering that person the exceptional service he or she deserves. We know that you’re visiting our premises because of the exceptional quality of our products, the fairness of our prices and the added value of our services. We’re not an impersonal mega-store where employee faces change every week, where the customer is just one more number to be processed. That’s why at Fillion you’ll always find a friendly smile, a rich nugget of advice or due consideration no matter how small.


In the comfort of our numerous rooms dedicated to high-performance audio and home theatre systems, as well as a superb selection of flat screen TVs (LED and OLED), you can indulgently listen to, compare and choose the system which best corresponds to your needs. Don’t hesitate to tap into our expertise. We’ll listen to you, advise you and put forward ideal solutions that make your dreams a reality.




We’ve got your covered

At Fillion Électronique we know which leading brands can meet your needs because we’ve been around music and image for more than sixty years. Our experts know of what they are talking about, our delivery & installation team know what they are doing and our custom installers are always on your wavelength.


When you choose Fillion, rest assured that you’re well and truly covered.